A newlywed couple sets off on a road trip, planning to spend their honeymoon in exotic and wild places. However, on the way to the hotel, they get lost on a deserted road. When it is beginning to get dark, the young people stumble upon an abandoned hotel. The owner offers the newlyweds chance to spend the night in one of his rooms for free. During dinner, the couple becomes involved in a strange quarrel with the owner and his other guests.
Aleksandr Baluev
Born in Moscow, USSR, in 1958. Studied acting at the Moscow Art Theater School. Active as stage and film actor
2021 OTEL, Spielfim HOF 2021
"The history of the film OTEL began after I read the play THE FALL OF DON JUAN by Valentin Krasnogorov.Our film is about love. This topic has been relevant from time immemorial to the present day since love is the motive power. A young couple goes on a honeymoon trip. Lost along the way, the newlyweds accidentally stumble upon an isolated hotel. The hotel owner meets them and invites them to stay overnight
He knocks them off the track of habitual, long-established relationships – no longer very sincere, rather comfortable. They seem to be attached to each other... My hero provokes them to sincerity, frankness, a reassessment of their feelings.
As for me, the visuals of what we have filmed are an additional way of influencing the viewer. We paid a lot of attention to the frame aesthetics, their meaningfulness. I would like this movie to find viewers who will not be indifferent to what they see on the screen."