
The loneliest workplace in the world at a weather station on the edge of the Russian Arctic Ocean: a professional soldier retrained as a meteorologist and traumatized in the Chechen war; his young wife, whose previous life in the world of big cities and money was a brutal failure; a cancer-stricken pensioner who has returned to his birthplace; the station’s boss - with a dubious, if not criminal, past; and Jack the dog.


Alexandra Borisovna
Wettermacher - Poster 2


Stanislaw Mucha

  • Documentary
Production Country / Year
Germany 2021
ru. OF mit de. UT
DCP, Color, 92min
2.39:1, Discrete 5.1
Original Title

Director & Crew

Stanislaw Mucha 1

Stanislaw Mucha

Born in 1970 in Nowy Targ/Poland. Studied Acting at the State Theater School “Ludwik Solski” in Krakow. Work as an actor and director’s assistant in the theater. Studied at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Active as director.


2002 ABSOLUT WARHOLA, Dokumentarfilm

2004 DIE MITTE, Dokumentarfilm

2005 REALITY SHOCK, Dokumentarfilm  HOF 2005

2007 ZIGEUNER, TV-Dokumentarfilm

2008 HOPE, Spielfilm  HOF 2005

2010 DIE WAHRHEIT ÜBER DRACULA, Dokumentarfilm  HOF 2005

2011 DIE PFANDLEIHER, TV-Dokumentarfilm

2012 HAPPY END, TV-Dokumentarfilm


2015 AUS DER KURVE, Fernsehfilm

2017 KOLYMA – STRASSE DER KNOCHEN, Dokumentarfilm

2021 DIE WETTERMACHER, Dokumentarfilm  Hof 2021

“It was supposed to be a film about a man who has been researching the weather for years in the total solitude of the Russian Arctic. About a weatherman. But it turned out quite differently than we could ever have expected. With the camera, we followed four hermits and their extremely film-talented dog, whose life unfortunately came to a bad end before the end of the filming. We visited them in autumn, winter and summer and captured their everyday struggle with the cold, storms and isolation. This is existential theater - tragic and comic at the same time. The work of these meteorologists also influences weather forecasts here at home, but what goes on there surpasses any imagination one could possibly have. Do not expect a film about climate change! Where we were, you forget how to spell the word climate. In this ‘somewhere in the middle of nowhere’, the environment is so polluted by mankind that you would think we were using the apocalyptic set design from STAR WARS.”

Stanislaw Mucha
Dorothea Braun
Director of Photography
Marcus Winterbauer
Nicole Winterbauer
Markus Belde