Fucking Bornholm

Two families spend a short vacation together on the Danish island of Bornholm. But soon a quarrel between the children triggers a chain of events that turns an originally promising and relaxing vacation into a kind of purgatory... Everyone has different goals and expectations, and everyone has a problem to solve.


Maja / wife
Agnieszka Grochowska
Hubert / husband
Maciej Stuhr
Dawid / boyfriend
Grzegorz Damiecki
Nina / girlfriend
Jasmina Polak
Mikkel / man at bar
Magnus Krepper
Fucking Bornholm - Poster 1

Fucking Bornholm

Anna Kazejak

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Poland 2022
pl. OF mit de. UT
DCP, Color, 99min
2.39:1, Discrete 5.1

Director & Crew

Anna Kazejak 1

Anna Kazejak

Born in 1979 in Bytom/Poland. Studied Film Theory, followed by studies at the National Film School in Lodz/Poland. Active as a writer and director.


2005 ODE TO JOY, Spielfilm


2009 THE SIDETRACK, Dokumentarfilm

2010 FLYING PIGS, Spielfilm


2014 THE WORD, Spielfilm

2022 FUCKING BORNHOLM, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

“The way I see the world and the relationship between men and women is that even when both sides have the best of intentions, when they have a positive attitude and really want to communicate, it’s still very difficult for them. Sometimes, it’s even impossible. I think this is what we are observing in Poland now, but I don’t think it’s just a local issue. […]

It lies in a fact that many people are already aware of: after a very long period of male domination, women have become empowered and want their voices to be heard. They demand a social existence. And this is having a great impact on our lives and on the way we communicate, because we are drifting apart in our needs. I can see it clearly in the generation of forty-somethings that I belong to. I think we are the acid test for how things at the moment are changing between men and women.”

Anna Kazejak

Anna Kazejak
Filip Kasperaszek
Marta Lewandowska