Into the Darkness

I am Mariia, an aspiring documentary filmmaker from Ukraine. The war has taken away my former life. Therefore, my colleague and I go to the frontline to film, to face the danger, to define a new meaning for ourselves and to understand how to continue living.

The Friedrich Baur Foundation, in cooperation with the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts and the International Hof Film Festival, has awarded a commissioned scholarship to the Ukrainian documentary filmmaker Mariia Shevchenko. After the film, filmmaker and media artist Philip Gröning talks with Mariia Shevchenko.

В темноту - Poster 1

Into the Darkness

Mariia Shevchenko

  • Documentary
Production Country / Year
Ukraine 2022
ru., uk. OF ohne UT
DCP, Color, 40min
1.78:1 (16:9), Stereo
Original Title
Into the Darkness - В темноту

Director & Crew

Mariia Shevchenko 1

Mariia Shevchenko

Born in 1992 in Berdiansk/Ukraine. Studied Journalism at the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy. Active as a journalist and documentary filmmaker.


2020 BIRTHMARK, Kurzfilm

2022 WINNERS, Dokumentar-TV-Serie

INTO THE DARKNESS, Dokumentarfilm  HOF 2022

“For me, as a director, it is extremely important to be in the war. I want to see and feel as much as possible with my own eyes. Thus, the stories that I tell will gain a deeper sense. I make movies because this way I can document important changes in the lives of people and my country. War changes everything very quickly. A person or a whole house may not even be there tomorrow. At the same time, I see that in the place of social ties destroyed by missiles, people are creating new ones. I want to speak to the world in film because I believe that honestly and professionally made films will make the world a better place.”

Mariia Shevchenko


Director of Photography
Sashko Brama
Mariia Shevchenko
Serhii Dotsenko