June Zero

In 1962, the world witnesses the execution of Adolf Eichmann in an emotional public trial. And in Israel, three characters on the periphery of history are intimately involved in this historical, nation-defining event. The film follows a teenage Libyan immigrant named David, a Moroccan prison guard named Hiyam, and a Polish survivor of Auschwitz who became the chief interrogator at Eichmann’s trial, Micha.


Noam Ovadia
Ami Smolartchik
Yoav Levi
Tom Hagi
Alon Margalit
June Zero - Poster 2

June Zero

Jake Paltrow

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Israel, United States 2022
he. OF mit en. UT
16 mm print, Color, 105min
1.66:1, Dolby Stereo (LtRt)

Director & Crew

Jake Paltrow 1

Jake Paltrow

Born in 1975 in Los Angeles, California/USA. Active as a director, writer and producer.


2007 THE GOOD NIGHT, Spielfilm

2014 YOUNG ONES, Spielfilm

2015 DE PALMA, Dokumentarfilm

2022 JUNE ZERO, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

“The idea of using a controversial story as a hook - namely a man who says he worked as a 13-year-old in the factory where the oven for Eichmann's corpse was built - was intriguing. We then talked to a few other people who had worked there at the time, and again they assured us that no child had worked there at that time. We found the approach to history based on witness statements interesting. At the trial itself, it was mainly the testimonies from the Israeli point of view that made people realize what had happened in Europe at that time. On the one hand, there were the Europeans who came after the war, and on the other hand, the Israeli population, who said: You let this happen? This point has never been really discussed. But precisely because the process was so public, all Jews in Israel finally understood what had happened in Europe. Coming to terms with this history, as Micha says, is really the only kind of justice that kind of makes sense, because there is no punishment for such crimes.”

Jake Paltrow

Jake Paltrow
Tom Shoval
Director of Photography
Yaron Scharf
Ayelet Gil-Efrat
David Silber
Miranda Bailey
Oren Moverman