
Peio lives in hiding in Brazil. Something is tormenting him. When his adolescent son, of whose existence he wasn’t aware, suddenly appears, he starts thinking about his life - quite a challenge for him, since he neither wants to be a father nor does he know how to behave like one.


Diego Álvarez
Dorleta Urretabizkaia
Aram Rockenbach
Mario Souza
Valeria Berrotaran
Alex Tello
Marcos Chiaretti
Magoado - Poster 1


Rubén Sainz

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Spain 2021
es., pt. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 76min
Other, Discrete 5.1

Director & Crew

Rubén Sainz 1

Rubén Sainz

Born in 1974 in San Sebastian/Spain. Active as a screenwriter, director, producer and editor.


2014 PAN-DEMIA, Kurzfilm

2016 CIRILO, Kurzfilm

2019 ANTXONI, Kurzfilm

2021 MAGOADO, Spielfilm HOF 2022

“The main intention of this story is to delve into the human need to live in relationship with others, the importance of having someone by our sides. To narrate those moments of loneliness in life, when you hit rock bottom and can only go up. In this film, I wanted to talk about loneliness and the strength of blood, of family. We cannot deny our own nature. We can try to run away, but we can never run away from ourselves.

The protagonist lives locked up within himself, and we created a claustrophobic atmosphere that emphasizes that idea. I also reflect on how we deal with change. The ability of each character to adapt to their new, inescapable reality initially is diametrically opposed. The father is unable to adapt, while the son tries with all his might. Fortunately, they both go through this roller coaster of conflicting feelings together and eventually end up meeting in the middle. In reality, they both share the same fear: being alone.

How long can we endure being totally isolated without opening up and trusting someone? I hope each viewer will find their own answers.”

Rubén Sainz

Rubén Sainz
Karmele Barandiaran
Director of Photography
Rubén Sainz
Raúl López
Production Designer
Rubén Sainz
Karmele Barandiaran
Costume Designer
Karmele Barandiaran
Casting Director
Rubén Sainz
Sound Designer
Cristian Rodríguez
Music Composer
Álvaro Turrión
Karmele Barandiaran