
After being released on parole, a young traumatized prisoner needs to find his place in society. After being sentenced to several years in juvenile prison for negligent homicide, Paul is released on parole. Insecure and aimless, the introverted loner tries to regain his footing in the world outside. To reintegrate into society, he has been offered a temporary job as a night watchman at a local university until he finds a permanent training position. Paul spends his nights alone in the empty hallways and lecture halls of the university, longing to make friends. He is repeatedly haunted at night by traumatic memories and panic attacks. When Paul meets a group of students at a party, everything finally seems to improve. For the first time in a long time, Paul has the opportunity to make friends again and leave his old life behind. But the demons of his past do not let him rest.


Justus Johanssen
Manot Boehm
Roman Schomburg
Nachtwache - Poster 1


Joachim Neef

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Germany 2022
de. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 91min
2.39:1, Discrete 5.1
Original Title

Director & Crew

Joachim Neef 1

Joachim Neef

Born in 1990 in Tübingen. Studied Screenwriting in Berlin and Directing at the London Film School. Active as a writer, director and editor.


2017 SCHWARZE BERGE, Kurzfilm

2018 SEVEN PLANETS, Kurzfilm

2022 DAIMON - A LOVE STORY, Kurzfilm

NACHTWACHE, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

Stefanos Dimitriadis
Joachim Neef
Director of Photography
Samira Oberberg
Harry Baker
Production Designer
Sarah Borchardt
Le Tuong Linh Tran
Costume Designer
Sarah Borchardt
Le Tuong Linh Tran
Casting Director
Stefanos Dimitriadis
Joachim Neef
Brigitta Watzka
Natascha Schoellkopf
Vera Schwanenberg
Maximilian Haas
Andreas Potulski
Bal-Aton Bori
Sound Designer
Joaquín Piñero Ortiz
Julienne Gerke
Stefanos Dimitriadis