Northern Skirts

Austria 1995. Jasmin, Tamara, Valentin, Senad and Roman are five young people from different backgrounds who meet in Vienna, sharing their lives and desires for a short time.

Each of them tries their luck on the northern outskirts of Vienna. Between jobs, involuntary motherhood and painstakingly repressed experiences of the war in former Yugoslavia, they attempt to offer each other warmth and support. Often clumsily and awkwardly, but always filled with a desire to love and be loved – until their lives drive them in different directions once again.

Nordrand - Poster 1

Northern Skirts

Barbara Albert

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Austria 1999
de., qbo., ro. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 109min
1.78:1 (16:9), Discrete 5.1
Original Title

Director & Crew

Barbara Albert 1

Barbara Albert

Born in Vienna in 1970. Study of direction at the Film Academy Vienna. Works as a director, scriptwriter and producer.
