
The foundation of this intermedial, interactive automat is Shakespeare‘s 66th sonnet. A 400 years old text about hopelessness, excessive demands, political weariness and the state of physical and psychological inertia. Well, thank you very much.

Still, these timeless verses are fascinating. They manage to verbalize familiar feelings and show ways out of disorientation.

But how does the sonnet change when we tell it in a non-linear way? Do we now no longer understand anything, or do associations arise that enable us all the more to grasp the content? What happens when old, supposedly elitist texts meet current viewing habits?

Minimal attention span versus binge watching. In the SHAKESPEARE-AUTOMAT, users can playfully determine the language, the situation, and the character with the help of 27 videos and thus decide which version of the sonnet they get to see. Right is what is fun.


Tomasz Robak
Shakespeare-Automat - Poster 1


Tomasz Robak

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Germany 2022
de. OF ohne UT
DCP, Color, 40min

Director & Crew

Tomasz Robak 1

Tomasz Robak

Tomasz Robak, born 1991 in Konstanz, studied theater in Vienna. Acting studies at HMTM Hannover and the State Academy of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź. Since then he has been working as an actor and speaker. Cinema debut with the film „Coup“ by Sven O.Hill (HOF 2019). Currently he can be seen at the Zurich Opera.


William Shakespeare
Director of Photography
Felix Kahlo
Sound Designer
Karim Shalaby
Eva Hanna Hielscher
Tomasz Robak