The Evening of All Days

Irma and Henri live the great dream of eternal love. But then, even the smallest change can be fatal.

Leopold and Alex meet in a car accident. However, Alex does not know how the accident came about.

After a life in prison, a jailbird no longer finds his bearings in freedom. Instead, he wins the heart of a beautiful florist.

At the sight of illness and suffering, the elderly doctor, Johann, bursts into compassionate tears. Often, this helps his patients. Only one thing doesn’t appreciate it at all: Death.


Sandro Di Stefano
Hiltrud Hauschke
Uli Krohm
Vilmar Bieri
Hans Diehl
Aller Tage Abend - Poster 1

The Evening of All Days

Felix Tissi

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Switzerland, Italy 2022
de. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 79min
1.85:1, Discrete 5.1+2Ch
Original Title
Aller Tage Abend

Director & Crew

Felix Tissi 2

Felix Tissi

Born in 1955 in Schaffhausen/Switzerland. Studied at the Film Academy Vienna. Active as a screenwriter and director.


1985 NOAH & DER COWBOY, Spielfilm  HOF 1985 1988 TILL, Spielfilm  HOF 1988 1991 AUS HEITEREM HIMMEL, Spielfilm  HOF 1991 1995 SCHLARAFFENLAND, Spielfilm  HOF 1995 1999 WHO'S NEXT?, Spielfilm  HOF 1999 2000 VIVA LA MUERTE, filmischer Essay 2003 FLASCHEN UND GÖTTER, Dokumentarfilm  HOF 2003 2007 DESERT - WHO IS THE MAN?, Dokumentarfilm  HOF  2008 2016 WELCOME TO ICELAND, Spielfilm 2019 GOTTLOS ABENDLAND, Dokumentarfilm 2022 ALLER TAGE ABEND, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

“Old age has a bad reputation, but also great advantages: At last, you’re allowed to just be a human being. And to get up to all kinds of mischief. With a certain mischievousness, ALLER TAGE ABEND even cheats death. Because not everything that is weighty has to be heavy.

An unusual point of view also demands an unusual film language. As a result, expectations of viewing habits and our everyday world don’t even arise in the first place. In my scripts, I write quite seriously about unserious things and take art of playing a role literally: I play.”

Felix Tissi

Felix Tissi
Res Balzli
Director of Photography
Simon Huber
Felix Tissi
Production Designer
Sara Weingart
Costume Designer
Nina Jaun
Balthasar Jucker
Music Composer
Joana Aderi
Jean Cotter
Elena Pedrazzoli