The Radio Amateur

After his mother’s death, 30-year-old Nikolas, an autistic person, would like to get to the high seas from his hometown. He teams up with Ana, his only childhood friend. But Niko’s difficulties with communication don’t make things easy for him. As it turns out, not everyone senses the same vibes.


Falco Cabo
Usue Alvarez
El Radioaficionado - Poster 1

The Radio Amateur

Iker Elorrieta

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Spain 2021
es. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 87min
2.39:1, Discrete 5.1
Original Title
El Radioaficionado

Director & Crew

Iker Elorrieta 1

Iker Elorrieta

Born in 1977 in Bilbao/Spain. Studied Marketing and Advertising, followed by Directing at the Ramon University in Barcelona/Spain. Worked as an editor for documentary and animation films. Active as a director, writer and producer.


2009 DÍAS DE REPARTO, Dokumentarfilm

2013 UN DÍA ESPIRAL, experimenteller Kurzfilm 

2017 I FORGOT MYSELF SOMEWHERE, Kurzdokumentarfilm

MR IBEX, Kurzdokumentarfilm 

2019 ONE WAY, Kurzdokumentarfilm

2020 MUKTI, SALVACIÓN, Dokumentarfilm

VERGÜENZA, Kurzdokumentarfilm

2021 EL RADIOAFICIONADO, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

“We are all humans and we all have a certain fragility inside of us that can be broken if the wrong button is pressed. I think this is a very universal approach. As a filmmaker, I’ve been interested in human behavior for years and I truly believe that people within the autistic spectrum are very special humans. I wanted to create a magnetic and brave character with a beautiful inner world, a dreamer who would like to demonstrate who he is.

At the very beginning of the writing process, one of the main layers was ‘the sailors’ incapacity to be part of the society’ or its reverse. How some of them feel like outsiders being on the mainland and how they can’t have a typical life with their families. I used this as a very strong concept in order to create Nikolas father’s past story, and how Nikolas might feel throughout the film.”

Iker Elorietta

Iker Elorrieta
Director of Photography
Iker Elorrieta
Iker Elorrieta
Costume Designer
Goku Morales
Xanti Salvador
Music Composer
Aitor Etxebarria
Iker Elorrieta
Alberto Sota