Three Nights a Week

29-year-old Baptiste is in a relationship with Samia when he first meets Cookie Kunty, a young drag queen from the Parisian scene who immediately mesmerizes him. Initially motivated by the idea of a photography project revolving around Cookie, he immerses himself into this world, eventually embarking upon a relationship with Quentin, the young man behind the drag queen.


Pablo Pauly
Cookie Kunty / Quentin
Romain Eck
Hafsia Herzi
Harald Marlot
Kiara Bolt
Mathias Jamain Houngnikpo
Holy Fatma
Calypso Baquey
Oncle Jean
Jean-Marie Gouëlou
Trois Nuits Par Semaine - Poster 1

Three Nights a Week

Florent Gouelou

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
France 2022
fr. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 103min
2.39:1, Discrete 5.1
Original Title
Trois Nuits par Semaine

Director & Crew

Florent Gouelou 1

Florent Gouelou

Born in 1985 in France. Trained at the Comédie de Saint-Etienne. Studied Film at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Worked as an actor and production assistant. Studied Directing at La Fémis in Paris. Active as an actor, director and writer.


2018 UN HOMME MON FILS, Kurzfilm

2019 BEAUTY BOYS, Kurzfilm

2020 PREMIER AMOUR, Kurzfilm


2022 TROIS NUITS PAR SEMAINE, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

“I was finishing my studies at the Fémis film school when I discovered Cookie Kunty on stage. I was writing my final short film project. The art of drag fit so perfectly with the subject of my film that I finally wrote a drag queen character... before I became one in real life.

As I discovered the drag world, I found an insolence, a way to taunt the norm, a form of joyful radicalness. By being around queens, Baptiste develops his own creativity and ends up changing completely.

Just like queens embrace their freedom to be multifaceted (a young man by day, a female creature at night), Baptiste finally allows himself to be bigger than he ever allowed himself to be. It is exactly what Samia wished for him, but it took meeting up with queens for it to happen. Queens free themselves from the norms by performing with bodies that are transformed by showbiz tricks... Makeup in itself already works as a liberating mask. And those bodies remain powerful and free even out of drag.”

Florent Gouëlou



Florent Gouelou
Director of Photography
Vadim Alsayed
Louis Richard
Set Designer
Clémence Ney
Costume Designer
Clément Vachelard
Aurélien Di Rico
Utku Insel
Geoffrey Perrier
Simon Apostolou
Music Composer
Villeneuve & Morando
Emmanuelle Verani
Nelson Ghrénassia