
Stay train 01
Stay train 02

In order to save resources and costs, we ask you to travel to the festival by public transport if possible. An event ticket for the journey to the festival in Hof can be booked at a fixed price with Deutsche Bahn:

With a binding 2nd class train connection for 55.90 €
Without a binding 2nd class train connection for 77.90 €

Unfortunately, Bahncards and regional reduction tickets (Länderticket) cannot be used for these special offers. The event ticket is therefore more advantageous for long train journeys if you cannot take advantage of additional discounts such as Bahncard or Länderticket.

When traveling from Bavaria, please use the Bayernticket if possible and, if you have a Bahncard, be sure to compare prices in advance via the Deutsche Bahn website.

The event ticket is only valid with an invitation/accreditation.

Travel information


Stay hotel 01
Stay hotel 02

The Hof International Film Festival takes place at various locations in the city centre of hof in Upper Franconia.

Due to the high number of visitors, interested parties should make an early effort to find overnight accommodation. The city of Hof offers an overview of the accommodation facilities in Hof on the official website.


Hof International Film Festival
Altstadt 8
D-95028 Hof