Happy Birthday, Rosa!

    Rosa von Praunheim

    Really? This mischievous and combative filmmaker, always ready to ask awkward questions, is celebrating his 80th birthday? In 1972, Rosa von Praunheim made his debut with the short film DIE RECHTE NICHT SIEHT at the 6th Hof International Film Festival.

    He became well-known, even infamous with his work THE BED SAUSAGE (BETTWURST) in 1970. It became a cult film, followed by the scandalous IT IS NOT THE HOMOSEXUAL WHO IS PERVERSE, BUT THE SOCIETY IN WHICH HE LIVES (NICHT DER HOMOSEXUELLE IST PERVERS, SONDERN DIE SITUATION, IN DER ER LEBT). That film had a resounding impact and now marks the roots of the German gay movement. Rosa von Praunheim has made more than 150 films, including many documentaries, artist portraits and features. His works have been screened at national and international festivals, but also in museums, major art exhibitions and at universities, and they have been awarded many prizes.

    He is always at the forefront when it comes to addressing current, explosive topics that are often tabooed by politics and society. With A VIRUS KNOWS NO MORALS (EIN VIRUS KENNT KEINE MORAL, 1986) he presented the first German AIDS film, and in SILENCE=DEATH (SCHWEIGEN = TOD, 1990) he portrayed American artists who were committed to the rights of those infected. As early as 1996, he devoted himself to the transgender issue. He is tireless, making a new film almost every year.

    The Award of the City of Hof 2008 goes to Rosa von Praunheim.

    In 2008, Rosa von Praunheim was the winner of the Film Prize of the City of Hof. In 2012, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, as a tribute we showed ROSA’S WORLD - 70 NEW FILMS BY ROSA VON PRAUNHEIM in its entirety.

    Our warmest congratulations to the exceptional artist and activist Rosa von Praunheim on his special day. Dear Rosa: Happy Birthday!

    Thorsten Schaumann und das ganze Hofer Filmtage Team
