The Audience Short Film Award of the City of Hof, endowed with 2,500 euros, goes to the film
TAXIMANN (9min), the story of an encounter between a stranded alcoholic and a mysterious taxi driver who embark on a road trip of a very different kind, was already enthusiastically received by audiences at its screenings in Hof. The two actors, Michaela Behal and Lee Reimers, were also immediately taken to the viewers’ hearts. In the total votes in theaters and digitally on HoF on Demand, the film took first place, followed by TRIUMPH DES SCHAUSPIELERS (TRIUMPH OF THE ACTOR) by Daniel Holzberg.
We congratulate director Leander Behal, graduate of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, and look forward to seeing more of his films!
For the Audience Short Film Award of the City of Hof, visitors can vote for all short films in the cinema as well as digitally at our streaming festival. The prize is endowed with Euro 2.500.