Jury Short Film Award of the City of Hof for CRAZY BLOOD and MY ORANGE GARDEN

    20231027 Jury Kurzfilmpreis Stadt Hof 022 BL9 A1788 AR

    The Jury Short Film Award of the City of Hof is determined by a jury consisting of three members for short films from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The prize is endowed with Euro 2.500.

    The Jury Short Film Award of the City of Hof 2023 goes to

    CRAZY BLOOD by Can Tanyol as well as to
    MY ORANGE GARDEN by Anna-Sophia Richard

    "CRAZY BLOOD by Can Tanyol is a tender, wise film about being a man and becoming a man."

    From the jury statement

    "Where the body and the voice are subject to prohibitions, MY ORANGE GARDEN places them at the center, thereby becoming an act of resistance."

    From the jury statement
