Julia Beerhold's documentary BEHIND GOOD DOORS (57th Hof International Film Festival 2023) opens in cinemas across Germany on Thursday, 30 May 2024. The director is also going on tour.
It's about love that hurts when Julia Beerhold talks about her childhood and that of her brother. Their parents loved and nurtured their children. At the same time, they used brute force, but did not see this as a contradiction to their love. The film documents the family's history and the attempt to talk about something that is usually kept quiet: The abuse of their own children.
Distribution: mindjazz
The director makes the film a “...touching document about violence and abuse in the family and the generation-spanning consequences it can have.” (programmkino.de) BEHIND GOOD DOORS has an openness rarely seen in cinema that more than touches every viewer. Content note: the film contains descriptions of direct physical, psychological and sexualized violence against children.
Premiere in HoF: The team of BEHIND GOOD DOORS at the 57. Hof International Film Festival 2023
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