Nuremberg Writer’s Scholarship Pitch

    HoF 2022: Vorstellung Nürnberger Autoren-Stipendium

    Anyone looking for exciting new projects will be in good hands on Monday, 13.05.2024 at the "14th Symposium on Cultural and Creative Industries in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region" meets "Nuremberg Writer’s Scholarship". The highlight is certainly the reunion of the writer’s scholarship holders at the final pitch at 3.30 pm.

    For almost two years, five scholarship holders worked on their first screenplay versions, supported by personal mentors from different areas of the film and television industry. At the First Look Pitch, they will presented their material exclusively to the public for the first time at the 57th Hof International Film Festival 2023.

    Vera Drude (MAXIS WUNSCH), Janina Sara Hennemann (EROSIONEN), Shebby Kirteeri (SELMAS VERLANGEN NACH KIRSCHEN), Corinne Le Hong (MASCHIN) and Jasmin Schellong (ICH BIN NICHT MEHR UNSICHTBAR) then continued to develop their projects diligently. The result will be live in Nuremberg on 13.05.2024. Let's go!
