502 Feet

Lana shares an apartment with her sick mother whom she has to care for. To escape her harsh reality, she watches a young woman in the flat across the street through a video camera. In her obsessive imagination, she develops an intimate relationship with her. When Lana sees her new friend’s well-being threatened, she abandons the role of an observer and intervenes in the events. 

Two apartment buildings facing each other, three women, three generations and one video camera. The story of an obsession.


Michaela Caspar
Maria Luise Preuss
Emilia von Heiseler
Lucas Lentes
153 Meter - Poster 1

502 Feet

Anton von Heiseler

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Germany 2022
de. OF mit en. UT
DCP, Color, 71min
1.78:1 (16:9), Discrete 5.1
Original Title
153 Meter

Director & Crew

Anton von Heiseler 1

Anton von Heiseler

Born in 1994 in Berlin. Studied Philosophy at the Technische Universität Berlin and Arts and Media at the Berlin University of the Arts, followed by studies in Directing at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Active as a director.


2018 THE BLACK MOUNTAIN, Kurzdokumentarfilm

1919 MOUNTAIN & MAIDEN, Kurzdokumentarfilm 

POST MORTEM, kurzdokumentarfilm

2022 153 METER, Spielfilm  HOF 2022

“Despite the plot being fictitious, the film does have documental features. The actresses are part of a family – my family. Michaela Caspar and Maria Luise Preuss are – as in the film – mother and daughter who live together. Maria Luise Preuss suffers from aphasia and paralysis resulting from a stroke and is cared for by her daughter. Emilia von Heiseler, who plays the young woman across the street, is Michaela Caspar’s daughter – and my twin sister. Although the cast’s family ties are not, per se, relevant to the viewer, our goal was to deliver very intimate and often painful scenes between the characters in a way that transcends the fictional.”

Anton von Heiseler



Anton von Heiseler
Maximilian Rummel
Andreas Koch
Director of Photography
Lucas Heinze
Benedikt Strick
Set Designer
Paula-Antonia Jacob
Costume Designer
Friederike Marie Rost
Jonas Lenz
Sound Designer
Richard Meyer
Wenzel Krah
Music Composer
Lukas Zepf
Justin Robinson
Aysche Adawi
Gila-Ilija Beroš