The film tells the story of two sisters and six brothers who were born between 1933 and 1943 and grew up on a farm in a small town in Pomerania. Even with their different life plans, one notices immediately: It is the story of a family with all its light and dark sides.
“The film is a tribute to sibling life. For many people, the longest relationship in their lives is the one with their siblings. Having siblings is an intense experience that continues to shape people far beyond childhood. By means of their intertwined lives, the film tells not only the story of the eight siblings and their common escape with their parents after the end of World War II, but also a piece of recent German history, when the siblings were separated for over 40 years during the Cold War by the inner-German border. Nevertheless, the contact between them never broke off. Last summer, something very special was on the agenda: a trip to their old homeland, to the small village that is now in Poland. A trip back in time, towards shared childhood memories.”
Christoph Weinert