Heart of Gold

For her son, a poor young mother is forced to sell her organs to a sick old woman. Flesh, for gold. Little by little, necessity gives way to the lure of gain ... By selling her body, it is her whole identity that she alienates.

Un Cœur d’Or - Still 1

Heart of Gold

Simon Filliot

  • Short film
Production Country / Year
France 2020
ohne Dialog ohne UT
Color, 13min
Discrete 5.1
Original Title
Un Cœur d’Or

Director & Crew

Simon Filliot

Born in 1987 in Reims/France. Studied at FEMIS in Paris. Active as a cinematographer and director.


Simon Filliot
Director of Photography
Simon Filliot
Jean-Marie le Rest
Sound Designer
Pierre Caillet
Music Composer
Léonie Pernet
Jean-François Bigot
Camille Raulo