Win Win

How do leisure and work change when we experience them as games? Director Friedrich Rackwitz completes a fitness workout with the support of an app that pushes him to his limits with points, levels and godly workouts. Similarly, service technicians from Bosch are to be pushed to better performance with daily goals set in a playful way. They meet the challenges and are awarded points for smiling.

Gamification has become our reality: We can experience playful motivation in all areas of life. In WIN-WIN, sociologists, psychologists and gamification pioneers weigh in on the pros and cons for a society that declares freedom of action a great asset. Do we prefer to be good people or good gamers? And is the new “normal” of motivational enhancement a win-win situation?


Uber Fahrer
Robert Spitz
Claudia Gladziejewski
Claudia Gladziejewski
Win Win - Poster 2

Win Win

Friedrich Rackwitz

  • Documentary
Production Country / Year
Germany 2022
de., en. OF mit de. UT
DCP, Color, 84min
2.39:1, Discrete 5.1

Director & Crew

Friedrich Rackwitz 1

Friedrich Rackwitz

Born in 1984 in Weimar. Studied Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. Studied Documentary Directing at the University of Television and Film Munich and Media Art at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. Active as a director and writer.


2010 MINIMA MEMORIA, Essayfilm 

2011 A TRACE OF MORPHEUS, Essayfilm 

2011 MONIKA GEHT, Kurzdokumentarfilm 

2013 LA VIDA TERRENAL, Kurzdokumentarfilm 

2016 THE NOSFERATU, Parabel 

GRUNDRAUSCHEN, Dokumentarfilm 

2022 WIN WIN, Dokumentarfilm  HOF 2022

Director of Photography
Stephan Vorbrugg
Georg Nikolaus
Miriam Märk
Sound Designer
Andrew Mottl
Music Composer
Antimo Sorgente
TV Commissioning Editor
Claudia Gladziejewski
Executive Producer
Sabrina Kleder
Christoph Menardi
Christoph Menardi