Jury Short Film Award of the City of Hof goes to SHUT UP AND SUFFER by Emma Bading

    The Jury Short Film Award of the City of Hof is determined by a jury consisting of three members for short films from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The prizes are each endowed with Euro 2.500. This year's jury members are Nadescha Brennicke (actress), Sebastian Höglinger (cultural manager) and Michael Orth (founding member and board member of the VBFF).

    This year the award goes to SHUT UP AND SUFFER by Emma Bading.

    Excerpt from the jury statement: "Director Emma Bading and her team translate the topic of abortion and the ever-increasing hurdles for women as an exaggerated, at times bitterly funny genre play: surreal, hyper-realistic images, a dramaturgy reminiscent of comics, sitcoms and game shows – SHUT UP AND SUFFER is anything but a classic explanatory film with a raised index finger. It is an important movie. But above all, it is a really good movie that thrilled us with its formal experimentation and really entertained us despite the gravity of the subject matter."

    A special mention goes to FISH AND CHEESE by Sina Guntermann.

    Excerpt from the jury statement: "She finds unconventional, sometimes ragingly beautiful images - and makes us feel, smile, dream. The honorable Mention in the Hofer Filmtage 2024 short film competition goes to Sina Guntermann's longing miniature for its palpable desire to go beyond traditional narrative conventions."

    Published on: October 26, 2024
