Engel mit schmutzigen Flügeln

Three women - no morals. 'Morality is just the excuse of those who aren’t brave enough to live their truth.' Michaela, Gabriela and Lucy are angels of vice. They roam the countryside on their motorbikes to live out their lust. They could see a lot, but they see only themselves. They call themselves angels. But they are angels with dirty wings. To be fully accepted into this paradise of exiled angels, Lucy must first prove herself to the others. Only castrated angels need morality. ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS is a hymn to immorality.

When God had finished creating the world, he began to get bored. And the angels were bored with him. And when he considered his own commandments, he got even more bored. And the angels with him. And when he had bored many of his angels to death, the survivors fled, now living among men. They have sworn never to be bored again, and to indulge only in lust and vice. And God continues to sit, bored, in his paradise, sometimes wishing he could be an angel, too.


Antje Nikola Mönning
Gabriela Marina Anna Eich
Mira Gittner
Maren Scholz
Martin Kagerer
Der Motorradclub Racing Death Bavaria
Engel mit schmutzigen Flügeln - Poster 1

Engel mit schmutzigen Flügeln

Roland Reber

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Germany 2009
de. OF ohne UT
DCP, Color, 86min
1.78:1 (16:9), Stereo PCM

Director & Crew

Roland Reber


“I see morality only as pressure from society exerted on the individual. The whole world follows the rules imposed by morality. I believe there is nothing more tedious than a film that pretends to convey a moral message. That’s why I made ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS, an immoral work about three angels who escape heaven because they are so bored. The film is a fugue on a generation that borrows its feelings and emotions.”

Roland Reber

“ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS was the first film I shot with wtp international, and it turned into a very special kind of road trip. Not only because we shot many scenes quite spontaneously and so a complete work developed surprisingly organically; one that was so lively in a way I had never experienced before when shooting. But because I also realised immediately that this film was a journey I myself was embarking on together with my character, Lucy. [...] I liberated myself from the “borrowed feelings”, as Roland so beautifully put it, to allow my own feelings, no matter how offensive they might be. I enjoyed being naked immensely. It was in this realisation that my sense of liberation lay. Not in the nudity itself, but in living out what was part of myself without making excuses or glossing over anything. Ultimately, I was asking myself the crucial questions: Who am I, and what do I actually want? I am still searching for that. Maybe it is a search that will never end.”

Antje Nikola Mönning

Roland Reber
Director of Photography
Roland Reber
Mira Gittner
Mira Gittner
Music Composer
Wolfgang Edelmayer
Roland Reber
Antje Nikola Mönning
Gabriela Marina Anna Eich
Patricia Koch-Pritchard