
Eight people who could scarcely be more different meet in a bar. For one night, they escape from their everyday lives, which are paralyzed in ritual, and embark on a journey to their imagined worlds, to their innermost desires. Suppressed desires, sexual fantasies and fears surface, and long-forgotten experiences come back to light. The evening takes its course... A visually stunning round of reality and illusion, a merry-go-round of emotions with exciting twists and turns.

A film about people and their secrets, mendacity and ordinariness.

“Worse than any desire is when you no longer feel any.”


Roland Reber
Antje Nikola Mönning
Mira, Wilbur, Mädchen
Mira Gittner
Susanne Bauer
Carolina Hoffmann
Wolfgang Seidenberg
Marina Anna Claudia
Ute Meisenheimer
Claire Plaut
Andreas Pegler
Christian Schluger
Christoph Baumann
Thomas Kollhoff
Martin Kagerer
Marcus B. Holzhauer
Illusion - Poster 1


Roland Reber

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Germany 2013
de. OF ohne UT
DCP, Color, 92min
2.39:1, Stereo PCM

Director & Crew

Roland Reber


“[...] The film has three levels: the private level, which was shot with a still, quiet camera. It shows people and their everydayness. Then there is the pub, which I see as a metaphysical level, set precisely between reality and illusion. And then there is the illusion happening in people’s minds. Colourful, shrill, packed with images. This time we wanted to do without any philosophical text – and yet make it a very philosophical film. [...]”

Roland Reber

“I have enjoyed composing my own music since I started learning classical guitar at the age of 6. When we had decided that we wanted Claire to sing in this film, I thought about the kind of music that would be ideal for her beautiful chanson voice. I came up with the tunes and lyrics for most of her songs while riding my motorbike. After that, it was mainly about interplay between Roland, Mira and me: we discussed what kinds of music we imagined for the individual images or scenes, and I tried to implement those – or it would happen the other way round, I came up with an idea (like the chorale “oramus te”) that led to the images.”


Antje Nikola Mönning

Roland Reber
Director of Photography
Mira Gittner
Mira Gittner
Music Composer
Antje Nikola Mönning
Roland Reber
Patricia Koch-Pritchard
Antje Nikola Mönning