A man in Paris, a woman in Berlin. Julia, an art student in her late twenties, has been living together with Christian, a police detective, for several years. Their relationship has been at risk since Julia fell in love with a young bartender, Frank, who likes to unsettle her with provocative sex. Christian escapes Berlin over the holiday. He doesn’t want to live without Julia and yet he can’t stand being with her. He sets himself an eight-hour ultimatum to win her back. Alone for the first time, Julia decides to end the affair with Frank. Frank, in turn, thinks Christmas Eve would be a good time to finally confess his love to Julia. In this situation, Christian initiates a night of relationship all-time-lows with a macabre move. An erotic adventure begins.


Maria Schrader
Jürgen Vogel
Mark Schlichter
Ingrid Caven
Maurice Lamy
Adisat Semenitsch
Stille Nacht - Ein Fest der Liebe - Poster 1

Silent Night

Dani Levy

  • Fiction
Production Country / Year
Germany, Switzerland 1996
de. OF ohne UT
DCP, Color, 86min
2.35:1, Discrete 5.1
Original Title
Stille Nacht - Ein Fest der Liebe

Director & Crew

Dani Levy


“Here we have a woman who loves one man and also loves another, and anyone who has experienced this knows how it can be insanely empowering, a feeling that enriches you, as well. The film deals with the fear that arises then, and with the fact that there is no painless solution to everything. Love cannot be one hundred percent truth, love is linked to lies, transfiguration and devotion. The film shows situations where you might be in danger of falling over the edge because you have no idea how to deal with things. [...] 

When you make a love film like this, you can’t leave out the erotic and sex. Eroticism is the drive that makes our feelings uncontrollable. Something you simply can’t resist. It’s about hidden desires and what can make you run amok, about whatever you can’t control. It’s this little outlet I allow myself, and I don’t know at first what kind of momentum it might develop, and how it might suddenly encroach into everything else about my life.”

Maria Schrader

Klaus Chatten
Maria Schrader
Director of Photography
Carl-F. Koschnick
Dani Levy
Costume Designer
Ingrida Bendzuk
Raoul Grass
Sound Designer
Michael Bard
Music Composer
Niki Reiser
Sabine Liedl
Dani Levy
Stefan Arndt
Rolf Schmid