More actresses over 50 in cinema, streaming and TV

    Tacheles talk 02
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    Actresses over the age of 50 continue to be severely underrepresented in film compared to men. The imbalance is not just about the number of roles cast; there is also a disparity in representation and staging. About more presence of women over 50 in cinema, streaming and television, representatives* from the various trades of the film industry will exchange ideas on 28 October 2021 from 4.00 p.m. to talk together about new approaches to material development and casting.

    After the welcome by Thorsten Schaumann (Hofer Filmtage), Marika George (Götz George Foundation) and Catherine Lieser (WIFT Germany), the actresses Adriana Alteras, Anke Sevenich, Anna Brüggemann and Simone Wagner will have their say under the moderation of Cornelia Köhler (WIFT). This event will be streamed live and broadcast on Bürgergesellschaft.
