Thursday, 4 May 2023 marks the theatrical release of Maja Haj's quirky comedy MEDITERRANEAN FEVER (56th Hof International Film Festival). The second feature film by Palestinian director and screenwriter Maha Haj "...revolves around two different men and sketches life in Israel with subtle sarcasm and black humor. In the process, the initially restrained film increasingly develops into an intense study of depression." (Filmdienst)
40-year-old Waleed (Amer Hlehel) is stuck in a dead-end job. True, he has a wife and children with whom he lives in the Israeli metropolis of Haifa. But he also suffers from depression and has so far simply not managed to fulfill his dream of a career as a writer. Only when he meets his new neighbor, Jalal (Ashraf Farah), a light seems to appear at the end of the dark tunnel.
Can this be a comedy? See for yourself in cinema.