The construction site of a luxury building project at night: The ambitious construction manager Lutz has hired illegal construction workers to save costs. But a tragic accident occurs. The next day, a meeting with investors is suddenly disrupted by 14-year-old Irsa, who is looking for her father. While Lutz senses an opportunity to make his mark on a multi-million dollar project, Irsa's desperation keeps driving her to him. To keep her away from his construction site, he decides to take her away. On their journey together, a bond develops, marked by closeness and distance, guilt and responsibility.
Raw Materials
Tuna Kaptan
Born in 1985 in Munich. Studied Media and Theater Sciences and Romance Studies at the ENERC Academy in Buenos Aires and Documentary Directing at the University of Television and Film Munich.
2013 TWO AT THE BORDER, Dokumentar-Kurzfilm
2017 TURTLE SHELLS, Dokumentar-Kurzfilm
2023 ROHBAU/RAW MATERIALS, Spielfilm HOF 2023
“What fascinated me at the core of ROHBAU’s story was the question of how a German construction manager deals with his responsibility for an Albanian girl. Lutz, an outsider from the former GDR, strives to find recognition in this system of West German builders and real estate financiers. To do so, he uses the most vulnerable links in the low-wage sector of the real estate industry, i.e., illegal workers from non-EU countries, to build more cheaply. This industry has been in the spotlight not just since the 2008 global financial crisis but also because of the acute housing shortage in recent years. Lutz's unique opportunity to rise within this system is thwarted by Irsa, who tirelessly searches for her father. When she threatens to jeopardize Lutz's professional plans, he decides to unceremoniously get rid of her and ‘deport’ her himself.
In his van, they are forced to squeeze into a very small space. For the first time, he also feels sympathy for headstrong Irsa. When he finally seems to have gotten rid of her, his tormenting conscience nags at him, causing him to seriously jeopardize his career opportunities and to assume some responsibility for Irsa.”
Tuna Kaptan
Friday, 6 December 2024, Altes Kino der KKD
From Thursday, 26 September 2024
Wednesday, 10 April to Wednesday, 17 April 2024
A special commendation is given to THE BOY WHO OWNS THE WORLD by Robert Gwisdek.