On Thursday, 21 April 2022 the cinema in the HoF (Home of Films)-near Selb and Aš will be the focus of the 45th Grenzland-Filmtage International Film Festival. On site, we love the intimate flair in the exchange between the audience and filmmakers.
From the very beginning, the focus has been on films from the Eastern European region, which has not changed until today and is more important than ever due to current events. With a two-day program in the neighboring Czech city of Aš (Asch), the Grenzland-Filmtage itself crosses a geographical border. For the first time, the films will also be shown in Regensburg from Thursday, 28 April 2022 to Saturday, 30 April 2022.
And here you can go directly to the program and tickets!
Director Alexander Peskador, Franziska Mattes and Christine Walther (HoF, left), Kerstin Fröber (Grenzland-Filmtage, right) and festival technician Robert Hölzel at the opening of the 45th Grenzland-Filmtage International Film Festival
How nice that there is a reunion with our “HoFer Kindl” Alexander Peskador right away as the opening program with his Filmtage-Darling short film MARTYRS OF STRIVING. And Max Gleschinski, who received the 2018 German Talent New Cinema Award at the Hof International Filmestival for his Meck-Pom-Noir thriller KAHLSCHLAG, shows his short film LASS MÖRDER SEIN.
Let's go to Selb!!!