Hof Critics Award for Robert Gwisdek and Krystallplaneten

    20231028 HOFER KRITIKER PREIS Gewinner 053 1 JG07972 JG

    The Hof Critics Award is awarded at the Hof International Film Festival to a feature film debut from Austria, Switzerland or Germany. The award recognizes a director and the production company that creatively explore innovative avenues and/or address socially relevant issues.

    The Hof Critics Award for the Best Direction 2023 goes to

    Robert Gwisdek for THE BOY WHO OWNS THE WORLD

    The Hof Critics Award for the Best Production 2023 goes to

    Krystallplaneten for Å ØVE - PRACTICE

    The jury 2023: Susanne Gottlieb (culture and film journalist), Holger Heiland (freelance author and journalist), Teresa Vena (film critic and curator)
