The film follows the exceptional photographer Andreas Reiner and his work and shows his frugal life on a dilapidated farm. A journey into the heart of the darkness of his past, but also a hymn to human existence. Reiner’s photographic frontier experiences are often provocative, generating fertile anger, but equally testifying to a fierce lust for life.
“The folded hands of a dead man – a black and white image I couldn’t get out of my head. I discovered it in 2018 while researching artists in the Biberach area for a television program. That’s how I met the exceptional photographer Andreas Reiner whose work stirred me, captivated me, inspired me. He focuses on the forgotten and the lost of out society because he considers himself one of them. And that’s what makes his photographs so unique. They come across as authentic, honest, sometimes like a punch in the gut, testifying to the rage this man has in his belly. What Andreas had to go through as a child and teenager is the stuff of nightmares. Having occasionally run into each other, the decision matured to realize a feature-length cinema documentary about his life and his images. [...] I won’t forget a moment of this intense filming which sometimes also led into the heart of darkness.”
Jo Müller