JUPITER in Cinemas and on Tour


    Since Monday, 20 January 2025, Benjamin Pfohl has been touring with his debut feature film JUPITER (58th Hof International Film Festival - HoF IFF), which will be released in German cinemas on Thursday, 23 January 2025. On Wednesday, 22 January 2025, at 8:00 pm, there will be a major premiere in Munich at the Rio Filmpalast, with the cast and crew in attendance, moderated by Thorsten Schaumann, Artistic Director of the HoF IFF.

    At the recent festival, JUPITER was already awarded the Hof Critics Award as well as the German Cinema New Talent Award.

    Lea (14) and her family fall under the influence of a cosmic cult that promises salvation in a higher existence on Jupiter. As Lea’s memories gradually unfold, they reveal the family’s struggle to find stability in their lives, while Lea must decide whether to follow her parents or forge her own path on Earth.

    This video will be streamed using YouTube. Learn more

    Distributed by: missingFILMs

    “JUPITER impresses with its great consistency of form and expression. JUPITER thrives on surprising directorial choices, unexpected editing decisions that even tell something as often challenging as flashbacks in a casual and skillful way."

    Excerpt from the German Cinema New Talent Award jury's statement

    A film that seduces while asking the universally important question: What is the truth? Visit your local cinema to find out.

    JUPITER at the 58th Hof International Film Festival:
